There are so many investment opportunities available with Reeds Rains for new and existing landlords alike.
We've selected some of our personal favourite Buy to Let properties available right now on the Reeds Rains website.
Some of these Buy to Let properties are ready to go with tenants in situ, and others have promising potential that just need a motivated landlord like yourself to give them some TLC.
Reeds Rains provides three tiers of landlord services to make your letting journey even smoother. From tenant find to fully managed, let Reeds Rains take the hassle out of being a landlord.
The Strand, Liverpool, L2

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We're sorry, this property is no longer available, please view our other properties
View our properties£95,000
Solly Street, Sheffield, S1
Watery Street, S3
Jervison Street, Stoke-On-Trent, ST3
Endcliffe Vale Road, Sheffield, S10
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