
Book a free valuation
of your house

If you'd like to know the current market value or potential rental income of your house, one of our expert valuers will be happy to visit your property at a convenient time, to give you an accurate sales or rental valuation.

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Property valuation
No sale no fee

No sale, no fee

We do the work to get the very best price. If we don’t sell your property we don’t charge a fee.
My Reeds Rains

Stay up to date 24/7

Providing you with 24/7 access to all the latest information about your property journey with RR//Online.
450,000 Buyers

450,000 registered buyers

Your property will be seen by thousands of potential buyers registered with Reeds Rains.
150 Years

Over 150 years' experience

We are a trusted national estate agent which has been building strong relationships with our local communities for over 150 years.
No sale no fee

No sale, no fee

We do the work to get the very best price. If we don’t sell your property we don’t charge a fee.
My Reeds Rains

Stay up to date 24/7

Providing you with 24/7 access to all the latest information about your property journey with RR//Online.
450,000 Buyers

450,000 registered buyers

Your property will be seen by thousands of potential buyers registered with Reeds Rains.
150 Years

Over 150 years' experience

We are a trusted national estate agent which has been building strong relationships with our local communities for over 150 years.

Your valuation appointment usually takes around an hour, during which we will:

1. Provide you with a current market value or rental income and also why we’ve valued it at that price.

2. Talk you through our marketing packages which include virtual viewings, Facebook advertising and premium listings on Rightmove1. Plus with over 450k buyers registered for property alerts, as your property goes on the market it will be seen by hundreds of potential buyers.

3. Discuss our fees which start from 0% and you can complete within 56 days when you choose to sell by the modern method of auction2

Our local expert valuers work on commission. That means WE do the work to get your house SOLD for the very best price. If we don’t sell your property we don’t charge any commission.

1. Participating branches only and Terms & Conditions apply. 2 Selected branches only. Auction fees apply in Northern Ireland.

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